Media Literacy

1. Bloomberg, ABC News, Reuters.

2. Vanity Fair, Daily Beast, Mic

3., National Review, The Weekly Standard

4.  ( Liberal )-Palmer Report, David Wolfe, ( Conservative )-The Blaze, Newsmax

5. Facts- something that is known

6. Opinions- a belief about someone or something

7. Informed Opinions- Thoughts on a subject by someone who is very familiar with that facts or studies.

8. When finding information for the dispatch , I would go somewhere that is neutral . The best places to find neutral information are Bloomberg and Reuters. I also believe you could go to ABC News because it is still reporting facts that are accurate.

9. Some news places that might provide informed opinions are The Washington Times and The American Conservative.

10.  Everyone has their own opinions on certain topics they write about.  If you are writing about something that is passionate to you, some of your own opinions might slip in .

11. Some words that would cue me in that I am writing an opinion would be I, me, think and also any personal opinions.

12. The first amendment specifies the rights of the press.

13. The Amendment says that people have the freedom of the press.

14. I think the purpose of media/ journalism is to keep the word up to date on whats happening in the world today.

15.  I notice that all the headlines were all about Donald Trump and controversy related to him.

16. I think that some of the articles might have some personal bias toward Donal Trump and all of the controversy. I feel like news article want to add more dramatic facts and pictures to their stories.

17. Some of the articles chose to cover other things that weren't just trump related or government related. Also they want stories that aren't just personal bias most of the time.

18. I think all medias should approach stories differently. If your media site is different and tells a less personal bias story that more people will read or listen. Also more personal bias medias dig deep and find the harsher and more personal bias facts.

19. I think as long a the viewers know which side the media is slanted on that it is ok. I think its totally ok for the websites to be a little bias.

20. I think you should click on many media sources even if the stores aren't laid out the way you want or prefer. If you always look at the same media sources, you will always get the same facts from the same point of view.

21. I think the media needs to only use truthful facts and be as accurate as they can. Don't make up facts for the stories, be the media news source that people can trust.


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