
Showing posts from September, 2018

Earthquake Story

Two people were killed and six injured when a 6.4 magnitude Earthquake rocked the San Francisco Bay area at 8:12 A.M. Monday morning PDT causing the McHenry's Auto Supply building, located at 2342 Plum St., to partially collapse. The epicenter of the earthquake was under Hayward Hills, according to Penny Gertz, a scientist from the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park.  Gertz said the quake occurred on the Hayward Fault, which runs under the hill. Hayward resident, Mike Beamer, whose apartment is across the street from McHenry’s, said he felt a rolling motion that lasted for about 30 seconds, with a big jolt coming in the middle.  “I was eating my breakfast when the room started rolling. I dove under the table just as I heard an explosion outside and a chunk of cement flew through my window. That’s when the screaming started across the street.” Jennifer Temels, also a resident at the same apartment complex, said she was getting ready for work when she felt a huge blow

Huntington Story

Janice Jones, age 53, was shot in the leg around 10pm wednesday night when her dog, a Pomeranian named Tombo, accidently knocked Jone’s 9mm handgun off her couch while she was eating pork chops in the back of her motor home.   In addition to being shot in the leg, the bullet also passed through the side of Jone’s vehicle according to California Highway Patrol Press Liaison Tammy Rye.  “It could have been worse,” stated Rye. “The bullet missed the gas tank by only two inches”. While Jones is expected to make a full recovery after being treated at Irvine Medical Center, Tombo was placed in the care of the Huntington Beach Animal Control and according to control officer Janet Ngo, appeared to be malnourished and had fresh cigarette burns on its forehead.  “He could have done with little less abuse and a few more pork chops”, stated Ngo. She indicated her office would explore filing animal charges against Jones. Jones was also cited for expired plates and according to Rye, did n 20 interview questions What is your favorite part about school uniforms? 2. What are you most excited about for school uniforms? 3. Do you think school uniforms have bad stigma and why? 4. How has the school changed since getting school uniforms? 5. Is there anything that concerns you about school uniforms? 6. How do you think school uniforms will affect students? 7. Do you think school uniforms are a good idea? 8. Will school uniforms create a better learning environment for students ? 9. Is your school different , now that you have uniforms? 10. Should it be up to parents to decide if students need uniforms? 11. Do you think school uniforms limit students in any way? 12.Do the school uniforms will have any influence on students lives outside of school? 13.How do you feel about schools that don't have school uniforms? 14. What changes do y

Current Event Quiz

1. 3 inches 2.Betty W. Hwang, Douglas Gibbons, Stephanie Gharakhanian, Sarah Mills, and Julie Ann Nitsch. These are five of the seven running for a spot on the ACC District Board. 3.Transocean, Techchnip-FMC, and Diamond Offshore Drilling 4. Novak Djokovic for the men and Naomi Osaka for women 5. The Mountain, Isle of the Dogs, and Jurassic World. Long Response 1.) This article is about The American Honey Bee Protection Agency , who partnered up with BAE, BAE is a military contractor site. BAE allows bee hives to be grown on their property.  The program aims to integrate bees into cities educate the public about their importance as pollinators.  This article also explains that we rely on pollinators for 70 percent of our food crop. Something else the company is trying to do is attract  a-lot of young people and their talent. It is very well received if young people are on board with their plan. 2.) Their were 140 acres dedicated to helping the bees. The more room there is fo

Ethics In The Media

Aaargh! Pirates! ( and the press) Summary: The Music Industry has been having issues with music leaking and illegal downloading since June 1999. Media Outlets like Rolling Stone and Billboard cover all the music drama, when they cover stories about music being leaked , they always give people a link to go download the music illegally. This Story questions Rolling Stone And Billboard on whether or  not they should stay out of the drama and keep quiet. Opinion- In my opinion, I think that these news sources should be reporting these music incidents, but they should never include the link to download anything illegal. If you give a link to people , they will be downloading the wrong thing and that is never right to promote music that wasn't supposed to be released yet.  As long as they only cover the story then I think it's ok for them to publish their article. The Media's Foul Ball Summary: The Chicago Cubs were Five outs away from advancing to the World series, then