Current Event Quiz

1. 3 inches
2.Betty W. Hwang, Douglas Gibbons, Stephanie Gharakhanian, Sarah Mills, and Julie Ann Nitsch. These are five of the seven running for a spot on the ACC District Board.
3.Transocean, Techchnip-FMC, and Diamond Offshore Drilling
4. Novak Djokovic for the men and Naomi Osaka for women
5. The Mountain, Isle of the Dogs, and Jurassic World.

Long Response

1.) This article is about The American Honey Bee Protection Agency , who partnered up with BAE, BAE is a military contractor site. BAE allows bee hives to be grown on their property.  The program aims to integrate bees into cities educate the public about their importance as pollinators.  This article also explains that we rely on pollinators for 70 percent of our food crop. Something else the company is trying to do is attract  a-lot of young people and their talent. It is very well received if young people are on board with their plan.

2.) Their were 140 acres dedicated to helping the bees. The more room there is for the bees, the more they will produce . Since we rely on them for 70 percent of our food crops we need to give them  as much room as we possibly can, so that they can produce.

3.) The TRIGR system is a lazer targeting device that looks like a set of high-tech binoculars. The TRIGR System gives the deployed war fighters a very decisive advantage in location enemy targets on todays battlefields.

4.) There were at least 10 permeant  hives on the site and 20 overall in the Austin area. Each hive produces 60 pounds of honey each year.

5.) The survival of bees is very important to humans because bees are very important to the food industry and the pollinators. Bees give us honey, which is used for a bunch of things, such as skin care and baking. We need Bees to stay alive and healthy so that they can also help wit pollination, pollination is very important. Pollination is needed for plants to reproduce, so if we don't have bees to pollinate the rate of flowers reproducing will go down.

6.)  I defiantly think that this is a worthwhile adventure, I think that we should be putting hives in more places. If we are putting more hives in places, the more people will learn, then more people will accept bees. More people need to understand how important bees are and how much they actually help us. Also more places should look into putting hives on their acres of land, bee hives are very re productive and the more company's that do it, more will follow in their tracks.


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