
Showing posts from December, 2018

Final Exam Part 3

Television is one of the many things that kids like to do, whether it's before school or after doing homework . Many kids look forward to watching their favorite show. A lot of shows on tv right now are very violent and some parents are ok with it and some don't approve at all. I think it doesn't affect our society having shows that have violence in them or shows that are all about crime. Crime shows have been around for many years , it's not like crime shows just started now when there was a lot of crime happening in the world. A lot of people enjoy crime shows like " How to get away with murder " or " Hawaii 5-0 " , those shows are watched by a lot of people and most people watch shows like that for adventure. Crime shows give people are rush of excitement and it keeps them on their feet wondering what's next . Another thing people fail to notice is crime right now isn't the worst it's ever been . In the seventies, murder was a

Final Exam Part 2

At 2 a.m. yesterday morning, meteorologists at the Nadi Weather Centre detected a cyclone developing rapidly near Nauru and moving quickly south-west across the Pacific towards the Solomon Islands. "It was a fast developing front that we could not have anticipated any faster." By 10 a.m., winds in Honiara were blowing at more than 140 kilometres per hour. "It was pretty chaotic for a few hours there when the storm hit the community." They broadcast warnings on the radio and alerted the police, who in turn sent officers to warn the local people. "We warned all the proper authorities." At about midday, the centre of the cyclone passed directly over Honiara before tracking into the Coral  Sea, where it blew itself out. "The storm had sustained winds of 140 kph and was classified as a Level 4 Cyclone" In Honiara, more than 20 houses were destroyed and a number of other buildings sustained considerable structural damage. Mo

Final Exam Review

1.Timeliness-the fact or quality of being done or occurring at a favorable or useful time. 2. Proximity- nearness in space, time, or relationship 3. Human Interest - the aspect of a story in the media that interests people because it describes the experiences or emotions of individuals 4.Prominence-the state of being important or famous 5.Conflict-a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one 6.Interviews-to hold an interview with (someone) 7.Research-investigate systematically 8.Quotations-a group of words taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone other than the original author speaker 9.yes-no questions-polar question, generally a question whose expected to answer is either a "yes" or "no" 10.follow-up questions-reply questions 11.Objective writing-writing that you can verify through evidence and facts 12.Transition paragraph-words, phrases, or sentences that connect one topic or idea to another in a paper or essay in a smooth, cohe

editorial and personal colums

three ideas for editorial story 1. Juuling at bowie 2. Not being allowed to wear pajama pants and not being aloud to have blankets 3. Sexism at school Someone or something i read I read and watch abc news stories a-lot, i read them a lot because they are the news station that get's in the depth of the story and get's the real emotions of people. They get the interviews yo want to get and they don't hold back they ask real questions that make people think. Also i love how they go into places to get the real facts and how they want to speak with scary people who have done crimes. I think abc news is cool and also entertaining to watch. I keep going back to them because they are always on my tv and also because i love their take on stories and how they ca be overdramatic sometimes.

Feature Writing Preview

1. Feature leads do not always include the all the W's and news leads get straight to the point . 2a- in the first paragraph they say who Ted Williams is and what he did 2b- in the first paragraph you find out what he did to get to the point he's at today and throughout all the paragraphs you learn what he did and how news stations looked for him for his special voice. 2c- In paragraph one they say where they found Ted , they found Ted on  Hudson Street ramp off northbound I-71 2d- Ted's discovery happened in 2011 2e- In paragraph 5 media people were calling news station looking for the man that had the magical voice. 2f- In paragraph 2 Teds sign is introduced and that's when someone video aped him talking and then the video went viral.  3. Yes, there are quotes in this story  4. Yes, the story is in quote-transition style. 5. Ted Williams, Kevin McLoughlin, Doral Chenoweth III, Ken Andrews, Tony Florentino, Shane Cormier, Frank Willson and Patrick Harris.

the man who played the violin questions

1. I think we do perceive beauty, i think beauty is found in our imperfections and the stuff that we don't like about ourselves. Most people think beauty is our face or our bodies but what beauty really is , is the stuff that makes us different. 2. I don't think anyone really appreciates their beauty ever. No one really stops to notice the unique pretty stuff about themselves and that needs to change . 3. We only recognize talent in the stuff we want to notice, if you see someone weird then we don't want to appreciate their talent. I think if everyone looks behind their looks and what makes them pretty , then you see so much more.

The Big Day

Who- Brayden driving car to wedding What-driving/wedding Where- A church and the roads When- 2001 Why- Because he wants to steal the girl How- He drives on the roads as fast he can to get the girl Early in the morning, the year is early 2000's . Brayden is driving in theVolkswagen on the roads as fast as he can. Swerving past any cars to and you can tell by the way he's driving he is stressed out. Brayden is checking his watch every five seconds and he gets angered anytime something or someone get's in his way. After many obstacles and bumps in the roads, he finally arrives at the church to see the girl and some other man. Sarah and James are at the front of the church holding hands and clearly want to bet marries and fast.  When Brayden walks in , Sarah and James look at him and immediately look away, they both have different emotions. Sarah is confused and frazzled and James is ticked off and mad that Brayden is crashing the wedding. Notes: - we are on