aperture, shutter, and speed
example of aperture in f2.8 example of aperture in f16 1. eyes 2. The smaller the aperture , the greater the depth of the field 3. you can shrink the aperture to allow less light in which can blur or focus the background of the photo. Photo with a very a fast shutter speed Photo with very slow shutter speed 1. a. High b. Low c. High d. High e.Low f.High a.High b.High c.High d.High e.Low f.High 2 Auto- the shutter speed is elected from the camera Shutter Priority- You manually pick the camera shutter speed but the camera selects the aperture Aperture- You manually pick the aperture and the camera picks the shutter speed Manual- You change and set up the shutter speed and aperture ISO 200 ISO 3200 ISO 6400 1. The higher the ISO at a basketball game, the more brightness and brighter the photo gets 2. When the natural lighting is good, you should have a low ISO 3. The higher the ISO the better i...
2. Proximity- nearness in space, time, or relationship
3. Human Interest - the aspect of a story in the media that interests people because it describes the experiences or emotions of individuals
4.Prominence-the state of being important or famous
5.Conflict-a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one
6.Interviews-to hold an interview with (someone)
7.Research-investigate systematically
8.Quotations-a group of words taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone other than the original author speaker
9.yes-no questions-polar question, generally a question whose expected to answer is either a "yes" or "no"
10.follow-up questions-reply questions
11.Objective writing-writing that you can verify through evidence and facts
12.Transition paragraph-words, phrases, or sentences that connect one topic or idea to another in a paper or essay in a smooth, coherent way.
13.Hard news story-fast paced news that usually appears on the front page of newspapers.
14.soft news story-organizations that primarily deal with commentary, entertainment, arts and lifestyle.
15.Inverted pyramid-method for writing news stories.
16.third-person point of view-writing from the outsider looking in and uses pronouns like he, she, it or they.
17.5 Ws and H lead-are questions whose answers are considered basic in information-gathering.
18.editing-prepare for publication by correcting, condensing or otherwise modifying it.
19.attribution-the action of regarding something as being caused by a person or thing.
20.paraphrase-a rewording of something written or spoken by someone else.
21.fragmentary quotation-consisting of or reduced to fragments, broke, disconnected, incomplete
22.direct quotation-one in which you copy an authors words directly from the text and use that exact wording in your essay.
23.partial quotation-the use of a direct quotation in which the beginning or end of the quote has been revised so that the sentence may be introduced or completed by your own words.
24.uses of quotations-one of a pair of punctuation marks
25.when to use quotations-are used to show the beginning and the end of a quotation, to show that something is a title, to show that a word or phrase is being used in a special way, etc.
26.when quotations are unnecessary or not desired-
27.editorial-a newspaper article written by or on behalf of an editor that gives an opinion on a topical issue.
28.editorial page- leading article
29.columns-a vertical division of a page or text
30. editorial that criticizes: An editorial that shows a persons opinion on something
31. editorial that explains: Editorial that explains a topic.
32. editorial that persuades: Editorial that persuades the reader.
33. letter to the editor: Write a letter to the editor.