
Showing posts from October, 2018

Commentary Writing

1. Three emotions iv'e felt have been stress, happiness, and overwhelmed. Iv'e had quiz after quiz and test after test, it's been stressful to keep up with everything and getting to bed at a good time is impossible sometimes. Happiness because my parent are super supportive and help me with anything 2. three things that have given me satisfaction - Being caught up on all my-school work - Having a good hair day/ makeup - When I get good grades on my test 3. Three things I worry about - Grades - My Weight - World Issues 4. - Math -Slow Walkers - My sister 5. - My puppy/family - Cranberry juice/water - Chapstick 6. - getting everything done - Having time for their family/friends - Dealing with mad parents 7. - When they get all their grading done -When all their students pass their test - When they get to teach their full lessons 8. - How their are so manny opportunity's to meet new people - How you can be whoever you wan to be - How

Prompt Shoot # 1

Happy-  Metal-  Bowie-  Square- 

The Dispatch: News Evaluation

Page 1- Painted parking spots stir up debate about criteria Who- Senior students who qualify to have a painted parking spot What- Painted parking spots causing drama over what you can put on your parking spot and is it offensive if some people can put things and others can't Where- James Bowie High School When- This year , when students were getting approved for what they could put on their parking spot. Why- Because the school district didn't think it was appropriate for a girl to put black girl magic on her spot but they thought it was ok for students to put bible verses on their parking spot. How-By letting some students put whatever they want on their parking spots but not letting a black student to put what she wants on hers. Summary- Every year the seniors are aloud to paint their assigned parking spot with what the school approves. This year a black girl wanted to put black girl magic and the school wouldn't let her. This caused a bunch of issues with a lot of

Avoiding Mergers

This is showing what happens when you have uneven light in the picture. There's  a lot of color contrating with each other and it messes up the picture.


This picture shows framing because the pictures taped on the wall create a real life frame . around the photo. It creates an image around the people in the picture.


This picture shows balance because their are two main subjects in this picture. You see a building that has collapses and a building that hasn't. Those two create a balance in the photo and make you want to look at the picture.


 This picture shows lines because the lines in this picture are the subject of the picture. The lines draw attention to the photo.


This picture shows simplicity because it has a plain and simple background . The background isn't crazy , it's just nice and easy.

Rule Of Thirds

I chose this photo for rule of thirds by having two main buildings and the the plane on the side to create rule of thirds.